Receive Your Miracle Now
A Case for Healing Today
Author: Bob Sawvelle
Jesus’s command to the disciples to heal the sick and cast out demons was an integral part of the proclamation of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Christianity spread quickly through the early centuries of the church because of this demonstrated message.
Did we lose God’s gift of healing and deliverance in the church as the centuries rolled on? Can we mesh Christian healing with scientific progress? Receive Your Miracle Now: A Case for Healing Today presents biblical, historical, and theological perspectives on Christian healing. Through an understanding of author Bob Sawvelle’s meticulous research, Christians can proclaim and demonstrate the good news of God’s healing presence today.
For nearly two thousand years, faith and prayer were integral to the healing process, but modern beliefs sometimes allow science to trump faith. While science has made tremendous strides in curing disease and repairing injury, Christians should embrace God’s healing power as well. How has healing helped spread the good news of God throughout Christian history? Are divine healing and deliverance valid for today?
In Receive Your Miracle Now, Bob Sawvelle applies the highest scholarly standards to the biblical, historical, and theological considerations of faith-based healing and deliverance from evil spirits. Through interviews with theologians and historians, he presents a complete picture of Christian healing, beginning with its roots in Jesus’s miracles and his instructions to his disciples. He examines healing’s historical fluidity, evidenced in Dark Age suspicions that gave way to Reformation enlightenment and hence shifted the teachings of church leadership. Lastly, he gives insight into the views of modern theologians as they grapple with the apparent incompatibility of faith and modern science.
The result is a balanced analysis of the relevance of modern Christian healing that neither denies the benefits of science nor denigrates the Word of God.
Receive Your Miracle Now is a wealth of information. It is well written. It confirms the fact that the gift of healing never died in the church. This is the kind of book I like to read. It is a serious study of the subject from the Bible, church history, and theology. In each area of study, Bob interacts with biblical scholars, historians, and theologians… Receive Your Miracle Now is an enlightening read. It is honest scholarship… I encourage anyone who wants to have a better grounding in the biblical, historical, and theological basis for believing in the continuation of the gifts, especially the gift of healing, to make this book part of his or her library. This book is not milk, it’s meat. It is a great introduction for pastors who have questions about the subject of the continuation of the gifts–especially healing and ministry of deliverance.”
Randy Clark, ThD, DMin, Founder and President of Global Awakening and the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
I encourage anyone who wants to have a better grounding in biblical, historical, and theological basis for believing in the gifts-especially gift of healing-to make this a part of his or her library. This book is not milk, it’s meat.
Randy Clark
The Holy Spirit said, “If you see yourselves merely as a human being, you will function merely as human beings. But if you see yourselves as supernatural beings, you will function as supernatural beings” (p. 83). This was the most profound statement in a solid, well-researched book about the Kingdom healing ministry today. The Bible and Crist provide the model. Do we provide faith and obedience? “The ability for the believer to operate in the charisms comes only through the Holy Spirit; however, ignorance and unbelief can render inoperative that which God has freely given” (pp. 193-94). With Sawvelle’s receive Your Miracle Now, neither ignorance nor unbelief is an excuse for not ministering healing. Thoroughly documented, the book considers first the Scriptures and then traces the healing ministry throughout Church history to the present. Interspersed with gems of contemporary testimonies, you will find your understanding and faith built to help out and not only receive divine healing but minister it to others in an effective way. Highly recommended.”
Lee Allen Howard
Dr. Bob Sawvelle, in his new book, Receive Your Miracle Now: A Case for Healing Today, presents the best and most creative recent scholarship in both theory and practice of this neglected commission of Jesus. This work offers no standard rehash of what you’ve read before, but serves up many fresh insights into how the healing power of God expresses the truly authentic mission and teaching of Christ himself. A Case for Healing Today lays out the very essence of original Christianity; it is a bold challenge to the highly evolved, derivative, and impractical traditional theologies that distract from the clear focus of the core gospel (Rom 1:16).
Jon Mark Ruthven, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Theology, Regent University