Our Eyes Are On You
Prayer is communion. Prayer elevates our lives in Christ beyond the temporal. In prayer, we discover new depths of relationship with our Savior. His faith, alive within, empowers prayer. Effective prayer is fueled by resolute faith. It’s a faith that sees through the darkness, because it sees Him. Faith that is anchored in Jesus and His Word is a faith that prays until mountains move.

Fulfill Your Dreams
God created you to be an extraordinary person. Your life in Christ, empowered by the Spirit, enables you to operate in his revelation and power to accomplish God-inspired dreams and works as you faithfully follow Jesus. Fulfill Your Dreams: Seize the Day and Be Extraordinary is the definitive book on living an abundant Christian life.

Recieve Your Miracle Now
Jesus’s command to the disciples to heal the sick and cast out demons was an integral part of the proclamation of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Christianity spread quickly through the early centuries of the church because of this demonstrated message.