The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 4  

The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 4   Jesus, His words are Spirit, and they are life (John 6:63). He is the way to the Father (John 14:6), and His words comfort, challenge, and cause change in the hearer.  We must actively listen, embrace, and respond to what His Word and...

The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 3  

The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 3   It is vital to recognize that God’s Word is essential for remaining steadfast in Him and experiencing the abundant life that Jesus invites us to as His followers.   For example, Paul wrote about our adoption into God’s family through...

The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 2  

The Power of God's Word, Pt. 2   God’s Word is eternal!   Continuing from last week, keep in mind:   “The grass withers and the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.” (Isa. 40:8 NKJV)   God’s Word is a “lamp for our feet, and a light on our path.”...

The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 1  

The Power of God’s Word, Pt. 1   The prophet Isaiah declared a timeless truth,   The grass withers and the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever. (Isa. 40:8 NKJV)   God’s Word is eternal and ageless. For followers of Christ, this brings comfort,...

Under His Shadow, Part 6

Under His Shadow, Part 6  Today, I want to conclude the Psalm 91 study by examining the promise of God’s power.   As I’ve shared in this series, Psalm 91 illustrates the security believers find through their faith in Christ. The secret place is found in the Lord and...

Under His Shadow, Part 5 

Under His Shadow, Part 5  I have been studying Psalm 91 for the past four weeks. Today, I want to continue by examining a specific promise in this Psalm: God’s provision.   Believing in and trusting God for provision is essential. Have you ever felt desperate for it?...

Under His Shadow, Part 4 

Under His Shadow, Part 4  I’ve been studying Psalm 91 for the past three weeks. Today, I want to delve deeper into one specific promise in this Psalm, which is God’s perspective.  Psalm 91 describes the security believers find through faith in Christ. The secret place...

Under His Shadow, Part 3 

Under His Shadow, Part 3  I’ve been examining Psalm 91 for the last two weeks. Today, I want to continue by examining specific promises in this Psalm.  Psalm 91 describes the security that believers can find through faith in Christ. The secret place is found in the...

Under His Shadow, Part 2

Under His Shadow, Part 2   I began a series last week using Psalm 91 to discuss God’s promises in this well-known Psalm. From a New Testament perspective, this Psalm describes the security believers can enjoy through faith in Christ.  This psalm does not promise that...

Under His Shadow, Part 1

Under His Shadow, Pt. 1   In the coming weeks, I plan to examine Psalm 91. This psalm arguably brings together all the promises of protection found in the Bible.   Isn’t it interesting that our emergency number is 911? I wonder if those who established our emergency...

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Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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