Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 4

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 4

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 4 Throughout the Bible and Church history, we see example after example of the power of prayer. God chooses to use humanity, through prayer, to move mountains and change the course of history. God is sovereign, but in His sovereignty, He...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 3

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 3

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 3 Answered prayer is to be expected for the follower of Christ. In fact, I believe answered prayer should be the norm, not the exception. Jesus exemplified an expectant prayer life. And so should you and I! Let’s continue this important...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 2

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 2

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 2 As I mentioned last week, I want to examine Jesus’ prayer life and what He taught the disciples about prayer over the next couple of weeks. A confident prayer life gets answers to prayer! It is vital you and I learn the prayer principles...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

  Lord, Teach Us to Pray Over the next couple of weeks, I want to examine Jesus’ prayer life and what He taught the disciples about prayer. A confident prayer life gets answers to prayer! It is vital you and I learn the prayer principles Jesus taught. By the way,...

Dwelling in the Secret Place

Dwelling in the Secret Place

Dwelling in the Secret Place – Psalm 91 Irrespective of uncertainties we face in life, as believers, we can confidently abide in God and His promises. Remaining confident in God and His Word assures us of remaining in God’s peace and joy. When we dwell in the secret...

Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ

Freedom In Christ We celebrated Independence Day last week here in the US. The occasion reminded me of the ultimate freedom we have through Jesus Christ. I shared how Jesus is our Liberator. I used as a text Luke 4:18-19: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He...

The True Knowledge of Our Heavenly Father

The True Knowledge of Our Heavenly Father

  The True Knowledge of Our Heavenly Father Fatherhood is at the core of our experience with God. Our revelation of the adoptive nature of God and the Father’s unconditional love toward us is essential to living a healthy, victorious Christian life. Our...

The Local Church: A Spirit-Empowered Community

The Local Church: A Spirit-Empowered Community

The Local Church—A Spirit-Empowered Community The Church tradition I grew up in lacked teaching, and a demonstration of the miraculous, present-day power of God. When I gave my life to Christ as a young adult, I gravitated toward the gospels and the book of Acts. I...

From Shame to Honor

From Shame to Honor

From Shame to Honor We long for love and acceptance. But many have only experienced pain, rejection, and shame. In Christ, we are made new. He has borne our grief, sorrow, and shame, and we can appropriate through His cross freedom and wholeness to live free of the...

The Value of the Local Church

The Value of the Local Church

The Value of the Local Church We invest time and money into what we value. Today, I want to share reasons why we should value and invest ourselves into our local church family. Each of us were uniquely created by God with gifts, purpose, and calling. You are the only...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Receive Your Miracle Now

Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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