Jesus is Enough

“Jesus is Enough” I want to share an article today about Jesus's sufficiency. I assume most of you reading this know Jesus as Lord and Savior.   Assuming this to be true, can I ask a simple question, “Is Jesus enough in your life?”   Sure, we need tangible things to...

Faith Believes in Miracles

Faith Believes in Miracles   Physicist Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” True. Every day, all around us, God’s supernatural, miraculous...

Believe God Can

“Believe God Can”  Have you ever witnessed God do something powerful in your life, only to later doubt God's ability to come through in a similar situation? It is important to remember what God has done in the Bible, Church history, and your own life.  For example,...

The Miraculous and Mysterious Nature of God

The Miraculous and Mysterious Nature of God God's nature and ways are beyond human understanding. At times, God is miraculous. He is often mysterious. To believe is to embrace both the miraculous and mysterious nature of God. Genuine faith trusts despite conflicting...

Freedom through Christ

Freedom through Christ Last week in the USA, we celebrated Independence Day. The occasion reminded me of the ultimate freedom we have through Jesus Christ. Luke 4:18 states of Jesus: 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the...

Jesus Our Liberator

Jesus Our Liberator   This week, we celebrate July 4th, our Independence Day here in the USA. The occasion reminded me of the ultimate freedom we have through Jesus Christ.   I gave a message on Sunday: Jesus Our Liberator. I used as a text Luke 4:18-19:  ...

The Making of a Mighty Warrior Pt. 2

The Making of a Mighty Warrior Pt. 2  Last week, I began to look at how God raised Gideon to partner with Him to deliver the people of Israel from the oppression of the Midianites.  Throughout the Bible and history, God has proven that He will use, and even exalt, men...

The Making of a Mighty Warrior, Pt. 1

The Making of a Mighty Warrior, Pt. 1 In the next couple of weeks, I’ll examine the life of Gideon. I want to look at how God called and prepared him to deliver the people of Israel from the oppression of the Midianites. God not only encountered and called Gideon but...

Christ’s Authority to Heal

Christ’s Authority to Heal In this article, I will briefly discuss Christ’s healing authority and how He has imparted that authority to His disciples today. Healing is part of God’s love and grace toward humanity. Did you know that Jesus has given you His authority to...

Hearing God’s Voice – What do you see? Pt. 9 

Hearing God's Voice – What do you see? Pt. 9 God communicates to us in many ways. But are we listening?  There is the Bible or the written word of God. But God also communicates through the Holy Spirit's thoughts, impressions, dreams, visions, and encounters. We often...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Receive Your Miracle Now

Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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