Hearing God, Pt. 7 – Dreams & Visions, Pt. 1

Hearing God, Pt. 7 – Dreams & Visions, Pt. 1  This past Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost Sunday. Jesus promised his disciples a “baptism in the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5, 8), that he would send them a “Helper” who would “teach [them] all things” (John 14:26), and that...

Hearing God, Pt. 6 

Hearing God, Pt. 6  I began a series a few weeks ago about hearing the voice of God. Did you ever stop and consider that most of the major decisions you and I make are not specifically covered in the Bible?  For example: Whom should I marry? Should I take this job?...

Hearing God, Pt. 4

Hearing God, Pt. 4 So, how does one recognize the voice of God and distinguish it from all the other voices that we hear? Is it audible or does God communicate differently? From the time I was a new Christian, I began to ask the questions, “Does God still speak today?...

Hearing God, Pt. 3

Hearing God, Pt. 3 In this series, I’ve been examining how to hear God’s voice. To consistently hear the voice of God builds faith, confidence, and hope. However, surveys reveal 90% of Christians don’t believe they hear God’s voice. But if you are a born-again...

Hearing God, Pt. 1

Hearing God, Pt. 1   Over the next few weeks, I will examine ways we can hear God’s voice.   Many wonder today, “Can I hear God’s voice?” The answer is yes! The Bible and Church history are full of examples and instruction as to how we can safely and confidently hear...

Sir, We Wish to See Jesus Pt. 2

Sir, We Wish to See Jesus Pt. 2 We celebrated Resurrection Sunday yesterday. Aren’t you glad we serve a risen savior who has given us new birth, eternal life, and hope? Truly, hope springs eternal in Christ! On Sunday I finished part two of a short series, “Sir, we...

Sir, We Wish to See Jesus! pt 1

Sir, We Wish to See Jesus Pt. 1  This week, often referred to as Holy Week or Passion Week, we celebrate Jesus entering Jerusalem His final week, culminating with His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave. Today, I want to discuss the significance of His...

Keys to Living Victoriously – Free from Fear and Worry 

Keys to Living Victoriously – Free from Fear and Worry  The last few weeks I’ve been examining the life of Joshua to glean principles to living victoriously.  This week I want to examine how Joshua, and all of us, should live free from worry and fear. Fear will...

Keys to Living Victoriously—Part 3

I began a series three weeks ago examining principles from the life of Joshua, specifically from Joshua 1:1-11 to provide keys to living victoriously. An entire generation of Israel wandered 40 years—longing for the Promised Land, but they died wishing and wandering....

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Receive Your Miracle Now

Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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