Keys to Living Victoriously pt 2
Have you ever noticed that negative news seems to dominate the airwaves? Rarely is positive news reported by media outlets. Here’s a thought, let’s focus on the positive rather than the negative! Maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude is a key to living...
Keys to Living Victoriously
After a time of sabbatical, it’s great to be speaking and writing again. Over the next several weeks we’ll be looking at the book of Joshua for Keys to Living Victoriously.
During my time away I had the opportunity to draw near to the Lord and focus on what He is speaking to me. And, as the faithful God that He is, He gave me peace, He strengthened my faith, and most fulfilling of all, He reminded me of His promises.
What has God promised you?
I encourage you to take some time this week and ask Him to remind you. Get in His presence, wait for Him to speak, and listen with an open heart. Write down what He shares with you.
This We Believe: God’s Kingdom
This month, I’ve started a new series entitled “This We Believe.” Using the Fourth Century Nicene Creed from the early Church, I will examine four aspects of what we believe:
God’s Kingdom, Jesus is God, Salvation, and the Holy Spirit or God’s Power
All these aspects are essential elements of the gospel of the Kingdom.
What is the Nicene Creed? And why is it important for us today?
We are not a creedal church, but creeds from the early church still help us remain anchored in orthodox principles of Christian faith. In our twenty-first century culture, many are deconstructing faith, and moving away from established Christian beliefs and practice. For the early Church, creeds gave believers a vehicle to memorize or understand quickly key tenants of the faith. Keep in mind it would be a 1000 years later before the printing press.
Made for His Presence
We were created in the image of God. God’s original intent was for us to walk in close relationship with Him. To live in His presence as a normal function of our lives.
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 NKJV
Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. They lived in close relationship with God and His presence. Can you recall when you first became aware of God’s presence? Even the unsaved can have experiences with the presence of God.
Made for Posterity, Part 2
Made for Posterity, Part 2 The future is both present and forthcoming. You and I were created to love God and others. Perhaps the highest form of love is to love sacrificially. Consider what Jesus did for us on the cross. What better way to demonstrate love than to...
Made for Posterity
These last few weeks we’ve been discussing “What am I made for?” To summarize, God created us for love, discipleship, purpose, and mission to name a few things. He saved us and empowered us to make a difference in our world. That others might come to know how amazing God is and how loving and forgiving Jesus is.
Today, I want to focus on how God created us for posterity.
Made for Revelation
Over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at key principles to help you discover what you are made for. I trust this series has blessed you! This week I want to continue looking the effectiveness of prevailing prayer. Particularly I want to discuss how hearing from the Lord, receiving His insights or revelation on a matter, builds faith and energizes prayer.
Prison-Opening Prayer
One of the speakers at the Seminary last week was a young Pastor from Burma. He’s going through our doctoral program and hasn’t finished yet, but they had him speak on prayer and it was touching. In fact, he even said, “Please do not take my picture, because of the persecution that we have in Burma.” There was a coup there in Burma a few years ago. They’re burning churches left and right. Almost 90 percent of the nation is Buddhist, and like many nations, there’s a real attack and warfare against the church. They’re persecuted; they’re martyred; it’s a big deal.
Prevailing Prayer
I have been in ministry in some form or another for more than 40 years. I have degrees and am ordained. What I’ve found is that seminaries, books, and study alone won’t make a preacher or minister. What makes you that is a life bathed in prayer.
What Am I Made For? Part 2
What Am I Made For? Part 2 Have you ever failed God? Perhaps you’ve repented for a sin, only to find you just can’t seem to get completely free. Maybe you have vowed to serve God faithfully, only to find failure seems to repeat itself. The truth is, all of us have...