What Am I Made For?: Part 1
What Am I Made For? – Part 1 Over the next several weeks, we will look at key principles to help you discover what you are made for. If you are wondering what God has in store for you, I believe this series and the associated sermons will help you! Jesus is approached...

Faith: Perseveres
Faith: Perseveres Faith that realizes God’s promises perseveres despite the circumstances, delays, and silence of God. Answered prayer and miracles don’t typically come to the timid, but to the bold. Breakthrough comes to those who unashamedly storm the throne room of...

Faith: In Agreement
Faith: In Agreement Agreement is synergistic. One can chase a thousand, but two can chase ten thousand. Something happens in both the natural and spiritual realms when we come into agreement with others. Agreement is a dimension of unity, but deeper. Agreement is to...

Faith: For Healing
Faith: For Healing My wife and I just returned from a week of ministry in churches in Sao Palo, Brazil. It was such a wonderful time of ministry in churches as Jesus moved in power in the meetings! This city of 21 million people, named after the Apostle Paul, is...

Faith: Believe, Obey, Expect
Faith: Believe, Obey, Expect Looking at the faith of Abraham and Sarah, I want to discuss how faith believes, obeys, and expects. Simply stated, faith is an expectant anticipation of what God has promised. But how do we develop such faith? Let’s dive deeper into this...

Strategies to Overcome
Strategies to Overcome I love the story of Joshua and the children of Israel at Jericho. Perhaps you recall the story of how the walls “came a-tumbling down?” God gave them a very specific strategy. As they obeyed God, and they simply marched around the city walls for...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Spiritual Armor
The Glory of Christ and His Church: Spiritual Armor Spiritual Armor (Ephesians 6:10-20) Paul concludes this letter with a command to the Ephesian church. He tells them “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (Eph. 6:10 NKJV). This...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Strengthen Yourself in the Lord
The Glory of Christ and His Church—Strengthen Yourself in the Lord Throughout God’s Word, Scripture exhorts us to be “strong in the Lord.” But is this a strength we create ourselves? How do we become strong in the Lord? I hope to answer these questions in today’s...

Holy Spirit Empowerment
Holy Spirit Empowerment Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. The greatest gift Jesus gave humanity was Himself. The greatest gift He gave the Church was the Holy Spirit—the promise of the Father! Fifty days after Jesus resurrected from the dead, the Holy Spirit was...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Faith for Miracles
The Glory of Christ and His Church—Faith for Miracles In my last article, I shared how the Church is Destined for Greatness. Why? Because Jesus died for us, restored us, and lives within us through the Holy Spirit. As Paul stated, it is “Christ in you, the hope of...