The Glory of Christ and His Church: Destined for Greatness

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Destined for Greatness

The Glory of Christ and His Church—Destined for Greatness   God has given the Church a great call, and therefore it takes humble, yet confident people in Christ to accomplish it. If we fail to see the greatness of Jesus in us, we will fall short of our call.  The...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: The Bride of Christ

The Glory of Christ and His Church: The Bride of Christ

The Glory of Christ and His Church—The Bride of Christ The last few months, I’ve been examining the book of Ephesians. It could be argued that the book of Ephesians is a “high water mark” in understanding the glory, majesty, and authority of both Christ and His...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Filled with the Spirit

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Filled with the Spirit

  The Glory of Christ and His Church—Filled with the Spirit The essence of our new life in Christ is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it was the Spirit who places us into the body of Christ at new birth. Paul writes that we are “…baptized by one Spirit...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Redeem the Time

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Redeem the Time

The Glory of Christ and His Church—Redeem the Time Did you know that time is one of our most precious assets? An ancient mariner proverb states, “Time and tides wait for no man.” The simple meaning is that time, like the tide, continues to change constantly—it waits...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Walking in the Light

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Walking in the Light

The Glory of Christ and His Church—Walking in the Light Today, I want to examine how believers are to walk in the light of Christ. Jesus is the light of the world and, as His born-again followers, we carry His light within through the indwelling nature of the Holy...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Living as a New Creation

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Living as a New Creation

The Glory of Christ and His Church—Living as a New Creation Continuing in Ephesians, let’s examine today what it means to live as a new creation in Christ (Eph. 4:17-24). Paul starts chapter 4 by exhorting the Ephesians to “walk worthy of the calling by which you were...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Fully Mature

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Fully Mature

The Glory of Christ and His Church—Fully Mature God is the God of revival, and He promises to send times of refreshing to His people (Acts 3:19). Despite evil and turbulent times, we can remain peaceful and hopeful as we prayerfully wait, in faith, upon the Lord. God...

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Grace to Each One

The Glory of Christ and His Church: Grace to Each One

The Glory of Christ and His Church—Grace to Each One God is moving in a fresh way in our church services at Passion. There is deep worship, prayer, confession, and freedom for the Holy Spirit to move among us. Many are being powerfully touched. Personally, I am...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Receive Your Miracle Now

Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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