Calculating with God - Bob Sawvelle

Have you ever calculated without God?

The disciples did. Jesus was preaching to a multitude of thousands one day and realized it was getting late and the crowd needed feeding. He told the disciples to feed the people. Perplexed, they took inventory of their food supplies and found a boy with five loaves and two fish.

They reasoned among themselves, “How are we to feed such a multitude with only a couple of fish and a little bread?” Jesus tells them to have the people sit in groups of fifty, takes the bread and fish, blesses it, and then hands the food to the disciples to distribute. They begin to give the food out, and miraculously the food multiples and thousands are fed. The disciples gather twelve basketfuls of leftover food–a miracle occurred.

Sense Knowledge vs. Faith

We live in a world that is “sense” driven. What we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch are very real to us. However, “sense knowledge” faith denies the follower of Christ the opportunity to calculate with God. God’s ways are simply not our ways, His ways defy logic and reason. When we begin calculating with God, trusting His leading and directives in the midst of situations that are contrary to our natural senses and logic, we are telling God, “I believe and will trust you in this.” It’s called faith, and God’s word says that “Without faith, it is impossible to please him …” (Heb. 11:6).

Faith is substantive in nature. Faith sees the promise fulfilled while positioned in hope. Faith is the connector to the blessings and promises of the Kingdom of God. Faith is the key that unlocks heaven’s resources. Faith makes a demand on the promises of heaven. Smith Wigglesworth, twentieth-century healing evangelist known for his strong faith in God’s promises, said,

God rejoices when we manifest a faith that holds Him to His Word.

Wait in Expectant Faith

Are you in a difficult situation today, what many call a “faith place”? You need a miracle, perhaps it’s miracle provision or healing for you or a loved one. No matter what your situation is, when you chose to hold God to His word, waiting in expectant faith, you have positioned yourself for loaves and fishes to be multiplied once again. Are you willing to do the impossible with the very least that you have? Perhaps all you have is a “mustard seed” of faith – that’s enough for God! Let go of your reasoning and calculate with God!



Bob Sawvelle

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