The river is raging. You have a word from God, “Cross over.” What do you do? The river is at flood stage, perhaps a mile wide. Do you obey God, or do you rely on your natural understanding of the situation?
When God directs, faith ignores the natural circumstances and sees the opportunity to live in promised inheritance. Faith flows from an intimate relationship with God. The faith walk isn’t about achieving results. True faith lives from a loving relationship with the Creator that obeys, not out of duty, but as a lover who trusts the One who guides. Our ability to confidently trust God amid the uncertainties of life will determine how much we abide in God’s peace, joy, and victory.
The Promised Land
The story I am referring to is with Joshua and the children of Israel. Forty years prior, God gave the invitation to Israel to possess their inheritance in the Promised Land. Unbelief robbed a generation, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb. Forty years later, Moses is gone and Joshua is directed by God to “cross over.” The Jordan river is at flood stage, in the natural, it didn’t seem to be the right time to cross over. However, with God, all things are possible! The preposition “with” is the key when linked to God.
The Lord told Joshua three times in Joshua 1 to, “be strong and of good courage.” When the Lord told Joshua to be strong and of good courage, it was more than an encouraging word. God gave Joshua instructions how to be strong (Joshua 1:8), but God also imparted strength to Joshua. God imparted a “grace” to Joshua to be strong and courageous. God gave Joshua the strength and courage needed to faithfully obey and realize the promise. God gave Joshua the “grace” to cross the Jordan and lead the people into their inheritance.
What is Grace?
Grace is much more than being forgiven; grace empowers us to be who we are not. We are becoming like Christ because of the power of the Holy Spirit, the Agent of grace. Grace infuses life and power to us to do what God has asked us to do. Paul echoes this language in Ephesians 6:10, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”
You see, your strength is found in the Lord, in His greatness, authority, and victory through Christ. True, it’s faith in God’s grace that saves us from our broken relationship with God (Eph. 2:8-9), but it’s God’s empowering grace by the Spirit that enables you and me to achieve good works in Christ (Eph. 2:10).
Grace to Cross Over
What river or impossible situation are you facing today? What has God asked you to do? It may seem impossible in the natural, but His promise will empower you by His grace to obtain what He is offering. The Lord is releasing “grace to cross over” and realize the promised inheritance to many in this hour . It was when the Levites stepped into the raging waters of the Jordan river that the water stopped and the children of Israel crossed over. Grace empowers us to believe and obey despite the circumstances. God is giving you grace to cross over in this season!