The Bride of Christ - Bob Sawvelle

Paul’s message in Ephesians of the Church as the glorious and victorious Bride of Christ is important for our generation. Paul develops the allegory of the marriage union between a man and woman as illustrating one of the greatest mysteries of all – Christ wed to the Church, His Bride (Eph. 5:22-33). We are not a weak and beggarly Bride; we are radiant and powerful because we are united with the King of Kings. We are called to reign with Him and radiate His love to a hurting world, right here, right now!

The Bride of Christ is glorious, radiating God’s love and majesty; she is the very fullness of Christ, who is the head of the church (Eph. 1:22-23; 3:10; 5:27). The church isn’t an afterthought with God, a plan “B.” On the contrary, the church is God’s plan before the foundation of the world in Christ, she is destined to reign with Him now and through eternity. She is an eternal bride, loved, adored, and empowered to represent her bridegroom to an orphaned world that needs to encounter God’s love and power.

The greatest hour of the Bride of Christ is upon her. She has the potential to see untold millions more come to Christ around the globe in our generation. With the proliferation of technology, world population growth, the outpouring of the Spirit, and a church trained and equipped in kingdom theology and ministry methods—great exploits should be expected and realized by the church. The link below will take you to another blog which discusses the explosive growth of the church in the Middle-East.

The Underground Revival in the Middle East



Bob Sawvelle

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