I love taking vacations with my family. Some of the best memories we have as a family are those special times when we can simply unwind and be together. Family vacations are a perfect setting for everyone to have fun and quality time with each other.
I have discovered that there’s just one hitch: everyone needs to be in agreement with the what, where, when and how of the vacation! In other words, if dad wants to go to Alaska fishing, mom wants to go to the Mall of America, and the kids are hoping for Disney World it’s going to be a little difficult for the family to be in unity and have a good time together! Unity is essential, not only for the family vacation but every aspect of our lives – whether it’s marriage or family, school or work, church or any organization.
Work Toward Unity
Unity is not automatic; it is something to work toward in our relationships. When a breakdown occurs in a marriage, family or any organization it is usually due to a disagreement over issues. The issues divide those involved, causing a lack of unity, which then can undermine trust. Without trust, any relationship will begin to erode and eventually breakdown.
In Ephesians 4:3, Paul told the people:
endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Paul was encouraging them to “make every effort” to have unity. To achieve unity in our families, churches, workplaces or wherever we gather with others, we must recognize that achieving unity is the responsibility of every person involved and must be earnestly pursued. Unity is essential, and it’s not automatic.
To achieve unity in our relationships and organizations requires commitment for all involved. James confirms this principle:
you can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.” (James 3:18 Msg)
Building real relationships takes commitment, hard work, and treating others with respect & honor, but it’s worth it.
The acronym T.E.A.M. defined is “Together Everyone Accomplishes More!” When we become one in heart and spirit, we can accomplish so much more and have fun along the way. Our family proved this principle recently by painting a room together. It wasn’t what all of us wanted to do that day, but as we shared the vision, agreed on the plan, worked together in unity, the room turned out great, and we had some wonderful family time together.
Unity is essential, and when we achieve it, our relationships are more rewarding, and we accomplish significantly more in the process.