Abraham’s Faith and Obedience, Pt. 2

Abraham’s Faith and Obedience, Pt. 2  Abraham is mentioned seventy-four times in the NT; he is second only to Moses.   Abraham is the only person in the Bible who is called a friend of God (James 2:23), perhaps the highest honor anyone can receive. Although he was not...

Abraham’s Faith and Obedience, Pt. 1

Abraham’s Faith and Obedience, Pt. 1  For the last four weeks, I have examined Abraham and Sarah's lives and faith in our series “God’s Faithfulness.”   In Genesis, we read that God promised Abraham’s descendants that all the families of the earth would be blessed....

God Will Provide

God Will Provide  Continuing the series, “God’s Faithfulness,” today’s article, “God Will Provide,” develops from Genesis 22, where God instructs Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.   Genesis 22 presents a pivotal moment in Abraham’s walk with God, during...

You Can’t Earn a Promise

You Can’t Earn a Promise  I continue this week's study of Abraham and Sarah’s journey of faith. We pick up our story in Genesis 17 when God renews His covenant and promises to Abraham.   It’s been about 23 years since the Lord first spoke to Abraham in Genesis 12,...

You Are the God Who Sees

You Are the God Who Sees  Godly patience is a character quality that sustains us—a virtue. However, many of us grow impatient when waiting upon God for a promise to be fulfilled. In the delay we can become discouraged if the season is long.   In the book of Proverbs,...

Your Mess is No Trouble for God

Your Mess is No Trouble for God  I will start a four-week series about Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah) today. This series is about God’s faithfulness to us, even when we make mistakes or struggle with faith in His promises. I’ll also underscore the importance of...

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 4

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 4   This is the last article in the series Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex. The series is about our new identity in Christ and how to overcome wrong beliefs and thinking, using the passage in Numbers 13 about 12 spies. It is...

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 3

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 3  I started this series two weeks ago using Numbers 13, which describes the twelve leaders sent to spy on the Promised Land.   The story reveals that wrong identity, fear, and unbelief affected ten leaders, which affected an...

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 2

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 2   In this series, I am examining the importance of understanding our identity in Christ and ways to overcome wrong identity beliefs. Awareness of our new identity in Christ is foundational to living an abundant life and as an...

Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 1

“Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex, Pt. 1”   I’m starting a new series titled “Overcoming a Grasshopper Complex.”   This series is about our new life and identity in Christ and how to overcome wrong beliefs and thinking related to our new life in Him.  Over the next...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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