Dreaming With God
We are in a New Year, but more importantly, we are in a new season. Seasons are periods of time linked to calendar time periods, but not tied to calendar days, either. Something began to shift this past year in our church, and I sense in many churches. We noticed an...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: Empowered
Merry Christmas! What a joyous week as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! I pray God’s peace, joy, and abundance for you and your family as you celebrate this Christmas holiday. Jesus is God’s greatest gift to humanity, “for God so loved the...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: His Dwelling Place, Part 2
As we discussed last week, Jesus has brought both Jews and Gentiles together as one through His shed blood (Eph. 2:11-18). This was God’s plan from the beginning—that all people, through faith in Christ, could be united and be heirs to the covenant promises God...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: His Dwelling Place, Part 1
As we continue our study of the book of Ephesians, I want to discuss this week and next what it means for us individually, and as the Church, to be the Dwelling Place of God. I find it astounding that the Lord would choose to indwell humanity considering how prone to...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: United with Christ, Part 2
Do you believe God answers the fervent prayer of the righteous? I trust your answer is “Yes!” Throughout God’s Word, the Lord promises to answer the prayer of the righteous. Those who are unrighteous or lukewarm lack this confidence. Our new birth in Christ positions...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: United with Christ, Part 1
Saved in a moment by God’s grace; transformed over a lifetime by God’s Word and Spirit. As Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus, we are saved by grace, not by works (Eph. 2:8-9). Yet, grace leads us to transformation, to...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: The Greatness of His Power
Do you believe God still works miracles today? I do, and the Bible and Church history attest to this truth (I defend the case for healing today in my book Receive Your Miracle Now!). Today, in this article, I want to discuss “The Greatness of His Power” as we continue...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: Living From Our Inheritance in Christ
Did you know that you are living in an eternal realm now? Through the redemption of Christ, adoption into God’s family, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you are living in the future Kingdom inheritance promised to those who believe in Jesus. God has taken the...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: Adopted by God
This week, I'm continuing my series on a study I've been doing in the book of Ephesians that I'm calling "The Glory of Christ and His Church". So much of this book is saturated with the theme of believers being adopted into God's family. Rejection and abandonment are...
The Glory of Christ and His Church: The Believer’s Blessing in Christ
The authority of the believer is part of Christ’s blessing given to each follower and to the Church. The Church is an extension of the beauty, majesty, and victory of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells the Church in the Great Commission account in Matthew’s Gospel, And Jesus...