Strength When Weak - Bob Sawvelle

I love going to Sabino Canyon, it is one of my favorite outdoor places to walk and hike in Tucson. I love to find a secluded spot by the stream, and sit and listen to the water letting God refresh my soul in the beauty of His creation.

Needing to recharge recently, I walked up the canyon, listening to the birds and enjoying the smells of spring. I found a nice spot to listen to the cool stream wash over the rocks. I began to realize, “I’m fatigued and I really need to unwind and rest.” As I rested, thinking about the goodness of God, I remembered an incident that happened a couple of years ago while I was ministering in a church in Brazil. Like this day, it was a time when I was exhausted and just wanted to get some rest and take a break from the pace of life.

* * * * *

It was a hot evening meeting, and there was a large crowd in attendance that night. I had given a message, and then my team and I began to pray for about 300 people with needs, mostly for physical healing, some hoping for a miracle.

After a couple of hours of ministry, we were hot and getting fatigued, but many received instant healing as we prayed. It was now near midnight, and there were just a few people left to be prayed for. I was exhausted and I didn’t have much compassion left and I wanted to get to the hotel and rest. The Lord then reminded me of something the apostle Paul said, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” Paul knew that the source of his strength came from Christ. When he was tired and weak, God’s strength would overcome his weakness.

Suddenly, a young woman approached my translator and I, limping with her right leg. She explained that 18 months earlier, she had been in an auto accident that severely damaged her right knee. Surgery hadn’t mended the damage nor removed the pain. She was believing God for a miracle. So I prayed, hoping that God would do something quick so I could leave and get some rest.

Perhaps you’ve been to that point of exhaustion as well. You hardly have the strength to pray; yet, are hoping that something will change. The young woman looked at me, I’ll never forget the look on her face, her eyes said this, “Please, if you can do anything help me.” I sighed, and asked God for His strength, and then prayed once more commanding all the pain in the knee to leave and for the knee to function normally.

I could sense His love and power literally flow through me. Suddenly she jumped up and began to walk very fast in a circle saying, “I’m healed, I’m healed, there’s no pain and my knee works perfectly again!”

To be honest, I was shocked. God proved once again to me, that He is the Healer, and even when I am tired and weak, He is the one who shows himself strong through us. The young woman thanked me, praised God, and left healed that night. I left feeling suddenly invigorated, and in awe at the splendor and power of the great God we serve.

* * * * *

I could hear the sound of the water trickling over the rocks again, and suddenly the cares and situations of life didn’t seem so important anymore. As I waited upon God, I was experiencing His strength despite my weakness, much like that night in Brazil. Learn to rest in Him, for His strength is made perfect in weakness.



Bob Sawvelle

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