Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Emotions: Part 2

Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Emotions: Part 2

Negative emotions, left unchecked, are detrimental to our well-being and walk of faith. Negative thoughts and emotions affect our health, hinder victorious living, and can rob us of our purpose in Christ. The emotions of our soul are subject to negativity (doubt,...

Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Emotions: Part 1

Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Emotions: Part 1

Have you ever experienced an injustice that opened a door to negative thinking and toxic emotions? Most likely, your answer is yes. Several years ago, I was overtaken by worry, fear, and then anger over a situation at our church. Yes, this can happen to pastors, too!...

Principles to Live an Abundant Life: Part 4

Principles to Live an Abundant Life: Part 4

Jesus is the captain of the host—the Lord of heaven’s armies—who has triumphed over the enemy. As His followers, we have been commissioned to go in His name and authority to stand against the defeated powers of darkness to advance God’s Kingdom. Satan and his minions...

Principles to Live an Abundant Life: Part 3

Principles to Live an Abundant Life: Part 3

I started a series a couple of weeks ago entitled "Principles to Live an Abundant Life." Today, I’ll pick back up on this important topic, specifically looking at spiritual warfare that occurs at times. As I’ve shared, Jesus said He came to give His followers life—not...

Growing with God’s Love

Growing with God’s Love

Have you ever noticed that love can be painful at times? By this, I mean that living in the genuine love of God can take us beyond our comfort zones and require us to lay down our lives for others. Hmmm, sounds like the Jesus kind of love, doesn’t it?! Jesus' simple...

Principles to Live an Abundant Life: Part 2

Principles to Live an Abundant Life: Part 2

Last week, I began sharing on how to live the abundant life Jesus promised. Today, in part two of this series, I will continue our discussion on this important topic. For Jesus, living an abundant life was not a lofty goal to be attained in the future. Rather, it was...

Principles To Live An Abundant Life: Part 1

Principles To Live An Abundant Life: Part 1

Principles To Live An Abundant Life: Part 1 God invites us to receive His love and freedom through Christ, and, as we do, we begin to live the abundant life God intends for each of us. My series over the next couple of weeks will look at biblical principles to live an...

Characteristics of Faith, Part 5

Characteristics of Faith, Part 5

Characteristics of Faith, Pt. 5 Over the last five weeks, I’ve been writing about faith. I’ve discussed how faith hears, sees, and speaks. Today, I want to discuss how faith endures and receives. For more on this subject, I encourage you to read my book: Our Eyes Are...

Characteristics of Faith, Part 4

Characteristics of Faith, Part 4

Characteristics of Faith, Part 4 Paul states a powerful truth to the Corinthians, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7 NKJV) Our perspective, apart from the faith of God, is limited in clarity. We are to lean on God’s understanding, not our own. Our sense...

Characteristics of Faith, Part 3

Characteristics of Faith, Part 3

Characteristics of Faith, Part 3 During the last three weeks, I’ve been discussing faith. I shared last week how Faith Hears. Today, I want to discuss how Faith Sees. Paul makes this simple, yet profound statement about faith to the Corinthians, For we walk by faith,...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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