Characteristics of Faith, Part 2
Characteristics of Faith, Part 2 The previous two weeks I’ve been discussing faith. I began with a message titled Courageous Faith, and then started a new series called Characteristics of Faith. Genuine Spirit-led faith perceives as fact what is not revealed to the...

Characteristics of Faith, Part 1
Characteristics of Faith, Part 1 Scripture and church history are filled with examples of men and women who lived courageous lives—who overcame fears, faults, and failures to live lives of courageous faith. Most of these people were just like us, people. who chose to...

Courageous Faith
Courageous Faith The Bible and Church history are filled with examples of men and women who lived courageous lives—who overcame fears, faults, and failures to live lives of courageous faith. Courageous faith sees opportunity in contradiction. It is a faith which...

The Miraculous and Mysterious Nature of God
The Miraculous and Mysterious Nature of God God’s nature and ways are beyond human understanding. At times, God is miraculous. He is often mysterious. To believe is to embrace both the miraculous and mysterious nature of God. True faith trusts despite conflicting...

Navigating the Storms of Life, Part 3
Navigating the Storms of Life, Part 3 While we want to avoid trials or storms, they are a part of life. However, God uses every circumstance in your life to strengthen your faith and trust in Him. In fact, storms (or trials) can move you toward destiny—if you learn...

Navigating the Storms of Life, Part 2
Navigating the Storms of Life, Part 2 As a young boy growing up in the Midwest, I learned that storms occur—sometimes violent ones. When I was 8, a devastating tornado ripped through my parents’ hometown. The damage was shocking and frightening. Through this...

Navigating the Storms of Life, Part 1
Navigating the Storms of Life, Part 1 We live in a complex world and challenging times. But Kingdom opportunities are now, irrespective of world conditions. God is the great “I Am,” not the great “I was!” If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything...

The Importance of Water Baptism
Importance of Water Baptism Water Baptism was an ordinance of the Church instituted by Christ and the early apostles which symbolizes burial and resurrection. Water baptism is far more than a ritual or religious exercise. It is intended to be an essential part of the...

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 8
Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 8 The entire Bible is full of examples of God communicating to His people. In addition to having the completed canon of scripture, or the Bible, God still speaks and communicates to His people today— through His written Word,...

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 7
Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 7 Did you know that hearing God’s voice should be normal for a Christian? Jesus said clearly “My sheep hear My voice…” (John 10:27 NKJV). As a follower of Christ, hearing the voice of God is a normal and expected reality. There is...