Prepared for Spiritual Battle, Part 2

Prepared for Spiritual Battle, Part 2

Prepared for Spiritual Battle, Pt. 2 We are presently daughters and sons of God, citizens of His kingdom, and warriors in His army. Spiritual warfare is unavoidable, but we rest confidently in the finished work and victory of Christ. The powers of hell tremble at a...

Prepared for Spiritual Battle, Part 2

Prepared for Spiritual Battle, Part 1

  Prepared for Spiritual Battle, Part 1 We love God because He first loved us. As lovers of Jesus, we courageously face hardship and opposition that others may know Him. That is our commission and mandate. We recognize, that before Christ we “used to live in sin,...

Seize the Day

Seize the Day

Seize the Day In adversity, there is often great opportunity. We are living in one of those moments as a nation. While there is division and unrest, there is unity and wholeness to be found. There are also incredible opportunities for the discerning—for those who will...

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 4

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 4

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 4 Did you ever consider that each day is a bonus? I heard a story recently about a positive and optimistic World War II veteran. During the war, he narrowly escaped death, and has since viewed life from a perspective that every...

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 3

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 3

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 3 Are you a patient person? Don’t be in a hurry to answer! I’ve discovered most of us develop patience over time. Even as we grow in Godly patience, many of us prefer short methods and quick answers in life—even with God. Have you...

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 2

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 2

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord, Part 2 I have on my desk a wood carving made by a Haitian brother. It was a gift from believers after ministering in their church in Cap Haitian, Haiti several years ago. It means a lot to me, as a memorial stone and because of what...

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

Strengthen Yourself in the Lord At the beginning of 2020, I told our church confidently, “I believe 2020 will be a great year.” However, the events of 2020 seem to indicate the opposite. But what if national awakening is unfolding amid the suffering, frustration, and...

The Heart of Revival is Devotion

The Heart of Revival is Devotion

The Heart of Revival is Devotion The church I pastor, Passion Church, last January held a conference called Vision 2020. It was a wonderful time of worship, abiding in God’s presence, hearing impactful preaching, and receiving Spirit-led ministry. I started the...

The Battle is the Lord’s

The Battle is the Lord’s

The Battle is the Lord's Did you know, that in Christ, you are super victorious? You may not feel like it and your circumstances may indicate otherwise, but you are a conqueror because Jesus triumphed over the powers of darkness! Truly, the battle belongs to the Lord...

Wellness of Soul

Wellness of Soul

Wellness of Soul Have you noticed an increase in anger and frustration in our nation? The COVID-19 pandemic has unnerved many. Excessive state-mandated lockdowns are being protested. Business closures and layoffs have inflamed others. To be sure, there is reason for...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Receive Your Miracle Now

Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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