Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 6

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 6

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 6 As I’ve shared in this series, Jesus said we hear His voice: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”  (John 10:27 NKJV) When you gave your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit came and indwelt you—you hear God’s...

Restored by Love

Restored by Love

Restored by Love John’s gospel records a remarkable post-resurrection account of Jesus appearing to the disciples in John 21:1-19. Jesus appears to some of the disciples on the shore with breakfast ready for them! Then, Jesus restores Peter after his denial of Him...

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 5

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 5

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 5 From Genesis to Revelation, we see examples of God communicating with people. Whether Adam and Eve in the garden, Moses’ hearing God on the back side of the desert, Elijah hearing the still small voice of God in a cave, or a...

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 4

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 4

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 4 If we are honest, we hear plenty of voices—not audible ones, but voices nonetheless. Some studies indicate that we have 38-45 thoughts a minute and roughly 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day. All these thoughts come as “voices” to us....

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 6

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 3

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 3 I began a series three weeks ago about hearing the voice of God. From the time I was a new Christian, I began to ask the questions, “Does God still speak today? If so, how does God speak and provide comfort, inspiration, and...

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 2

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 2

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 2 I began a series last week about hearing the voice of God. In these unprecedented times, accurately hearing the Lord’s voice is paramount to live in His peace and maintain confident faith and hope. This morning the Lord reminded...

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 1

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 1

Principles to Hear God’s Voice, Part 1 To walk faithfully with God, live victoriously, and fulfill your purpose, you must know the Lord intimately and recognize His voice. Throughout the Bible, we read how God frequently communicated with His people and how important...

Our Eyes are On You

Our Eyes are On You

Our Eyes are On You In a chaotic world, peace, joy, faith, and hope are found in Christ, secure in God’s love. The unfolding of geo-political events last week underscores the importance of maintaining confidence in Christ. He overcame so that we could live as...

Love is Foundational

Love is Foundational

Love is Foundational Love is the foundation for all that we do in the kingdom.  Growing in love is foundational to our Kingdom assignment. Everything builds upon God’s love toward us, our ability to receive His love, and then to love others with His love. God...

The Power of the Word, Part 5

The Power of the Word, Part 5

The Power of the Word, Part 5 Good Soil… Some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times! Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.” (Mark 4:20 NIV) The Good soil of...

Bob Sawvelle

Our Eyes Are On You

Our Eyes are On You by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

Receive Your Miracle Now

Receive Your Miracle Now - A Case For Healing Today by Dr. Bob Sawvelle

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